Socioeconomic High-resolution Rural-Urban Geographic panel for India (SHRUG)
- High geographic resolution socioeconomic data spanning 1990-2013
- Linked identifiers for Population Censuses 1991-2011 and Economic Censuses 1990-2013, at village- and town-level
- > 500,000 villages and 8000 towns
- Accounts for merging / splitting villages, and village-to-town transitions
- Village- and town-level population and non-farm employment from 1990-2013 across all towns and villages
- Public goods across all towns and villages (1991-2011)
- Remotely sensed forest cover (2000-2014) and night lights (1994-2013)
- Small area consumption estimates and agricultural labor share from 2012 SECC
- All economic data aggregated to legislative constituencies
- Election results and candidate affidavits, including criminal charges, assets, liabilities.
- Users can link directly to Pop Census or Economic Census (or other data) to bring in thousands of additional fields.
- Download the SHRUG paper to read about what can be done with SHRUG and how it was built.
- Download the SHRUG Codebook for detailed variable descriptions.
- Download the SHRUG metadata table.
- Access the SHRUG.
SHRUG consists of data from multiple sources. If you use data from SHRUG, please visit the SHRUG site to ensure that you are citing all of the relevant sources to the data you are using.
Development Data Lab COVID-19 India Platform
We have put together a series of district-level data that is relevant to the current COVID-19 crisis in India that are not available elsewhere. Everything is hosted in a public github site. This list shows a subset of what is included. We are updating regularly so visit the site to see the latest data.
- District-level infections and deaths
- Health infrastructure use (e.g. vaccines administered)
- Weekly mandi-level agricultural prices from 2018-present
- Demographic structure (i.e. age distribution to forecast mortality)
- Supply of public and private hospitals and doctors
- Demographic and economic characteristics of districts
Data from "Politics and Local Economic Growth" (AEJ Applied 9:1, 2017)
- Coalitions of Indian state parties
- Indian state party names matched over time, including splits
- Constituency-level employment by industry from Economic Census (1990, 1998, 2005)
- Constituency-level election results, 1980-2005
- Night lights matched to constituency boundaries
Data from "Who Runs the International System" (Review of International Organizations)
- Nationality of senior staff in the United Nations Secretariat and Specialized Agencies
- All country-level fields required for paper replication